Trauma-Informed Church?

Trauma-informed care is currently trending on every buzzword list you can think of. If you’re not trauma-informed, you’re not with the times. But what does this actually mean? Often, we say we are “trauma-informed” but does this really permeate into our practice? Our lives?

The faith community I co-pastor (New City Church) has just wrapped up a series on Trauma-informed church. We spent time unpacking what it means to be a space that is safe for people who have experienced all kinds of journeys.

If you’re keen, you can listen in a few ways - check out the church website here, or follow along on Apple podcasts - New City Church Sydney.

Episode 1 - Understanding Trauma, Mapping the Bible and Trauma, and Overarching Principles of Healing

Episode 2 - Understanding the Mind/Body

Episode 3 - Building Psychological Safety and Creating New Stories

If you have thoughts, if this helps shape your practice, or if it resonates with you in any way, I’d love to hear.

In the meantime, let’s keep working towards creating spaces of healing and hope. It’s an exciting, daunting, terribly important task ahead.



Mechanisms of religious trauma amongst queer people in Australia’s evangelical churches