You Have a Place at the Table

Across the world, navigating the terrain of sexuality within the Christian faith is becoming increasingly difficult. People on all sides of the discussion agree that so much is at stake, but how do we move forward? Into a confusing and often painful debate, A Place at His Table offers clarity, insight, and warmth. Holding firmly to the Bible, Joel Hollier leads us in a journey where we can re-examine traditional understandings, ask fresh questions, and enter a place of welcome for all people in God's church. Whether you are a leader, pastor, or congregation member who is seeking to love well, this timely book will equip you to enter the discussion in faithful, informed, and nuanced ways.

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What People Are Saying


"Joel Hollier's book is a fresh and winsome exploration of the issues surrounding the Bible and LGBTQ people. Joel does a particularly nice job at integrating a rich personal experience on these issues with more detailed and exegetical questions. He has changed his mind on critical questions. Persons exploring whether they wish to change their minds, along with those seeking to change the minds of others will be particularly helped by his study."

— James Brownson, James and Jean Cook Professor of New Testament at Western Theological Seminary, author of Bible, Gender, Sexuality

"What I so appreciate about Joel Hollier's contribution on this controversial topic is its high regard for Scripture and faithful Christian practice. With humility and grace, Hollier cross-culturally translates common affirming arguments on same-sex relationships for an evangelical audience. A book worthy of our consideration."

— Karen R. Keen, educator and author of Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships

Joel Hollier's A Place at His Table is an important new resource in the Christian discussion about LGBT inclusion… An especially innovative appendix offers deeply thoughtful and heartfelt open letters: to Christian parents of young LGBT people, to pastors and church leaders, to allies, and to LGBT brothers and sisters. The tone throughout is devout, serious about Scripture, and respectful to all sides. This book should take its place in the discussion of LGBT/Christian intersections, not just in Australia but around the world."

— David P. Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics, Director, Center for Theology & Public Life, Mercer University, and Past President, American Academy of Religion & Society of Christian Ethics